Through the Decades: 1990s

In the last 30 years, HCC has championed and supported thousands of people to assert their rights, have their say, and influence health service delivery. As we continue to celebrate our 30th anniversary this year, we’re reflecting on some of the key achievements in this space.

Here are some of the health consumer and health advocate highlights of the 1990s:

  • HCC launched on World Health Day (7 April) 1994 as the independent “voice” on health policy, planning and decision making.
  • HCC campaigned strongly for the passing of the Health Services (Conciliation and Review) Bill 1994. This included circulating a lobbying kit to all HCC members encouraging them to make contact with and discuss the Bill with their local Member of Parliament. The Bill sought to establish an independent Health Complaints `Unit – which HCC was a strong supporter of. The Bill was passed in 1995 and This included the establishment of the Office of Health Review – which later became the Health and Disability Services Complaints Office as it’s known today.
  • Community Advisory Councils are established in the Perth metropolitan area to encourage consumer participation and improve the customer service/patient focus of the hospital/health service.
  • Prompted by the HCC Executive Director Michele Kosky, Professor D’Arcy Holman appoints the first consumer rep to UWA data linkage project.
  • With a $50k grant from DoHWA, HCC organised the first WA complaints conference. The “For Crying Out Loud” conference took place in August 1999 and was attended by about 200 people.
  • HCC and the Cystic Fibrosis Association establish the Chronic Illness Alliance “to identify critical issues impacting on the lives of people with chronic illness and to work together to respond to chronic illness issues”.

Download the PDF version of the timeline image here.