Privacy Policy

Health Consumer’s Council Privacy Statement

Information Collection and Privacy Protection

The Health Consumers’ Council is keenly aware of the importance of consumer privacy and makes every effort to adhere to guidelines developed by the Australian Privacy Commissioner for Government web sites Guidelines for Federal and ACT Government Websites.
This Privacy Policy outlines what type of information is collected by the Health Consumers’ Council, how such information is used and under what circumstances and to whom it may be disclosed. If you have any privacy concerns, they can be directed to

Your email address

The Health Consumers’ Council will only record your email address in the event that you send us a message by email, or if you subscribe as a member via the website. Your email address will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it. It will not be added to any mailing lists without your prior written consent. We will not use or disclose your email address for any other purpose.


No personally identifiable information is collected via our website except with your explicit permission.


Should you decide to submit a story about your health, this will be read and moderated by Health Consumers’ Council staff before being posted on the website. We will protect your identity in exactly the same manner in which we protect the identity of any consumer who makes an enquiry about any aspect of health care.

Clickstream and Data Cookies

We use “cookies” to keep track of how our website visitors work their way through our website, and find out what pages are of more interest to them, with the aim of constantly improving our website. A clear explanation of cookies can be found on Australian Privacy Commissioner.

No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities, except in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the Internet Service Provider’s log files.

Queries, Concerns and Further Information

If you have any queries, concerns or require more information, please do not hesitate to contact us on