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Sustainable Health Review – focus on delivery

In November 2022, Health Consumers’ Council staff attended a WA Health Leadership breakfast with the Minister for Health and Mental Health, Amber-Jade Sanderson, for an update on the Sustainable Health Review (SHR).

After a slow start to implementation, and the disruptions caused by COVID, it was great to hear the Minister reiterate the Government’s commitment to the SHR and its implementation. The Minister was firm in her view that the SHR is about:

  • an equitable patient-centred system
  • a health system, not a hospital system
  • giving a voice to consumers.

She reminded attendees that the SHR outlined the need for courage, collaboration and systems-thinking.

We heard that while WA’s COVID response demonstrated the robustness of the WA health system, it also highlighted its fragility in some areas. The Minister was clear that as we now live with COVID, it’s not about snapping back to how things were before – but that it’s time to make sure that the health system’s actions match community needs.

She outlined that a key priority is addressing emergency access to care – which is a focus for a Ministerial Task Force that was established earlier this year.

Tim Marney, Chief Economist at Nous Consulting, and Chair of the Independent Oversight Committee (IOC) for the SHR then spoke about how the focus for the IOC is very much on delivery. There will be a new focus on implementation.

As part of that, it has been agreed to provide focused support to a smaller number of recommendations (there are 30 in total in the SHR) to enable implementation to be accelerated in these critical areas:

  • Recommendation 11: Improve timely access to outpatient services through:
    a) Moving routine, non-urgent and less complex specialist outpatient services out of hospital settings in partnership with primary care.
    b) Requiring all metropolitan Health Service Providers to progressively provide telehealth consultations for 65 per cent of outpatient services for country patients by July 2022.
  • Recommendation 13: Implement models of care in the community for groups of people with complex conditions who are frequent presenters to hospital.
  • Recommendation 17: Implement a new funding and commissioning model for the WA health system from July 2021 focused on quality and value for the patient and community, supporting new models of care and joint commissioning
  • Recommendation 22: Invest in a phased 10-year digitisation of theWA health system to empower citizens withgreater health information, to enable access
    to innovative, safe and efficient services; and
    to improve, promote and protect the health of Western Australians.
  • Recommendation 23: Build a systemwide culture of courage, innovation
    and accountability that builds on the existing
    pride, compassion and professionalism of staff to support collaboration for change
  • Recommendation 26: Build capability in workforce planning and formally partner with universities, vocational training institutes and professional colleges to shape the skills and curriculum to develop the health and social care workforce of the future

Tim was clear to point out that this did not signal that the other recommendations were less important and reiterated that work on these would continue.

He also highlighted that a number of the recommendations including Recommendation 3 with a focus on health equity and Recommendation 4 with a focus on citizen and community partnership – and for which Suzanna Robertson, HCC’s Executive Director is a co-lead – should be seen as underpinning all the other recommendations.

Health Consumers’ Council continue to advocate for targeted consumer and lived experience partnership and involvement in all the SHR work and look forward to learning more about how this will work for the six prioritised recommendations.

(By Clare Mullen, Deputy Director, Health Consumers’ Council)

A wild reflection from digital health summit


With the Wild Health Summit in Melbourne 18 October 2022, we are inspired by the idea that digital health could improve the patient experience even while the services themselves are quite fragmented. We need to continue to champion consumer voices in this space – too often they can be an after-thought.

We asked one of our consumer representatives, Robert McCormack, if he has any key questions or reflections to bear in mind for this upcoming Wild Health Summit event, having recently attended as a HCC consumer representative at the Digital Health Institute Summit (Perth 2022) held in August at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Q: What were your highlights that might be of interest to health consumers?

A: I met a number of healthcare and IT professionals but did not see another health consumer.  However in conversations with these professionals, several times they relayed personal experiences as either patients or as carers.  Nonetheless, there is a case to have more consumers at the table.

Q: With no other consumers, do you have any comment on that – i.e. would it be of interest to consumers in future? Should we be advocating for more consumer places?

A: the need to engage widely with all stakeholders was emphasised by the keynote speaker, and I am of the view that the patient/carer/consumer needs to be seen as the principal stakeholder.

Q: any comment you might have on the value of you being there with a consumer lens?

(Mr McCormack was generous to provide us with a report on his experience at Digital Health Institute Summit (Perth 2022), which is summarised, below…)

Some Key Observations

The participation of over 200 delegates suggests there is substantial interest across the State in the potential benefits that could be delivered from the implementation of a solid digital health strategy.

The delegates comprised a good cross-section of health professionals including nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, and general practitioners through to senior executives from WA Health, and IT professionals with only a few health consumers.

The opening address by Simon Millman, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Health; Mental Health suggests the Western Australian Government has some commitment to digital health as also evident in its budget commitment to the first phase of developing a digital health record.

In conversation, most delegates acknowledged that while there has been some useful progress in rolling out aspects of digital health, considerable work needs to be done to achieve substantial potential benefits. One speaker described the current progress as additive rather than transformative.

Dr Helen Bevan, the keynote speaker, emphasised, with reference to her experience in the English National Health Service, the need to engage fully across the widest net possible of stakeholders to gain acceptance for proposed change, and this engagement needs to be done in the formative stages.

She particularly emphasised the need to identify and engage the key players, the “super-connectors”, in informal networks as well as dealing with the formal networks.

I note this approach contrasts with the experience of many health consumers in that they are too often ignored locally in the early developmental phases of most healthcare projects.

I am of the view that consumers as the clients of healthcare should be the primary stakeholders consulted in any proposed development of initiatives.

The fragmentation of responsibility for health across federal and state governments and the delivery of services across multiple providers presents particular challenges in assembling fragmented data.  While the My Health Record potentially brings data together from a number of providers, the record for each patient is mainly incomplete and may not have up-to-date information.

Hospitals use a myriad of systems that don’t automatically share data although some progress is being made as evident in a presentation by staff from Fiona Stanley Hospital.

The development of artificial intelligence tools is seeing the improved diagnosis and management of healthcare.

For example (of the above), as evident in the Health in a Virtual Environment (HIVE) project at Royal Perth Hospital and research undertaken by the CSIRO in diabetic foot ulcer diagnosis and management.

The need to think beyond the current paradigms in healthcare delivery was highlighted in a presentation on delivering chemotherapy in the home by Lorna Cook Company Director & Co-Founder, View Health Chemo@home.

In a similar vein, it should be noted that COVID has caused a rethink on service delivery models which has seen, for example, the development of telehealth options and electronic prescriptions.

Digital health innovation has the potential to improve the patient experience in booking appointments, such as the Health Engine system developed by Dr Marcus Tan.  In contrast, while the WA Health Department has invested in developing the Manage My Care app and is working on further enhancements to this app, this system is currently of limited use in that not all outpatient appointments are recorded on this system and patients have no opportunity to choose appointment times.

The trade stalls were mainly commercial IT companies who have had experience in developing and implementing systems across healthcare systems.  We can expect some of these companies will have opportunities to roll out digital systems across the WA health service providers.  It will be interesting to see the extent pre-existing systems will be adopted and the degree of customisation of these systems to meet our requirements versus bespoke development of new systems.

Concluding Remarks

While there have been several useful developments in the digital health space,

to realise the substantial benefits of a comprehensive integrated digital health strategy will require wider engagement of the broadest possible group of stakeholders at the earliest stages of the project with a particular focus on consumers/patients as the primary stakeholders together with the substantial investment of resources and talent over a prolonged period.

The Health Consumers Council can potentially play a key role in shaping the digital future of healthcare delivery by providing a broad range of consumer insights required for the critical success of the digital health strategy.

(This article/report is courtesy of Robert McCormack, HCC consumer representative.)

Consumer update on Sustainable Health Review workforce recommendations

Sustainable Health Review – update on health workforce issues

The Sustainable Health Review is a wide reaching and ambitious reform program. After an extensive consultation process the Review was published in 2019 and includes 30 recommendations, organised into eight enduring strategies.

Some of the work was paused as the health system responded to the COVID pandemic, but as we move towards living with COVID we’re starting to see action and progress on a number of the recommendations. You can see more about HCC’s involvement in this work at

Issues relating to the workforce and culture of the health system were included in the Review, and there are five recommendations that cover these issues.

Find out more about health workforce issues

Health Consumers’ Council hosted a consumer information session to share what we know about work that is happening as part of the Sustainable Health Review on workforce issues.

  • Click here to see the slides from that information session
  • Click here to view the Zoom recording of that information session

Consumers have their say

Health Consumers’ Council hosted two consumer consultations for the Department of Health on one of the recommendations on this topic on 26 July 2022.

Recommendation 26 – Build capability in workforce planning and formally partner with universities, vocational training institutes and professional colleges to shape the skills and curriculum to develop the health and social care workforce of the future.

You can view the post-its that were created as part of these online discussions

Session 1 – focus on regional perspectives

Click the links below to see the dot points for these topics


Session 2 – focus on metro perspectives

Click the links below to see the dot points for these topics


To be added to a mailing list to be kept informed about this work, contact Clare Mullen

(Last updated 29/07/22)


Putting the public back in public health

By Clare Mullen, A/Executive Director, 07/03/22

World Obesity Day 2022 – everybody needs to act!

World Obesity Day is marked on 4 March each year. The theme this year is “everybody needs to act”.

At Health Consumers’ Council (HCC) we’re acting by taking on the responsibility for hosting the WELL Collaborative (Weight Education and Lifestyle Leadership) – see below.

World Obesity Day is… complicated.

I know some people see it as a day when people in larger bodies are demonised. They utterly reject the term obesity and question the science that’s referred to as showing a link between increased weight and poorer health outcomes.

I have concerns about these too.

But I also know that many people in the community have negative health experiences relating to obesity. Whether that’s concerns about weight related health issues, or the mental health impacts of weight stigma and bias.

And so, through our work at HCC, we put forward the wide range of consumer perspectives that we’ve heard, while also going where there is political will, and some resources – and for now, that is obesity. (See below for more information about how we’re trying to change the conversation through promoting consumer and lived experience voices on this topic…)

I had the chance to take part in a couple of events last week to mark World Obesity Day. There is so much great work happening in this area but I’m particularly excited to see the momentum and recognition building for the need for diverse lived experience voices to be leading this work.

A couple of organisations that are worth following on social media, or subscribing to their mailing lists:

  • Australia: the Weight Issues Network. This is a group led by and for people with lived experience of weight issues. They run regular community conversations where members can learn about various aspects of the science of obesity – as well as advocating for more understanding of the personal aspects – find out more at
  • Europe: the European Coalition for People living with Obesity. This group works collaboratively across Europe to improve the lives of people who are living with and are affected by the chronic disease of obesity through advocacy, policy and education. They run regular “patient lounge” discussions with consumers and researchers – find out more at

I really believe that only by raising lived experience voices in this space will we see real lasting positive change.

But it can be difficult to raise your head above the parapet in this space as a person with lived experience – particularly for people impacted by severe obesity.

We’ve all been so immersed in the idea that our weight is “our fault” that body shaming and judgement are practically sanctioned by some public health campaigns (grabbable gut anyone?).

And so health services and systems who want to hear more lived experience perspectives have to collectively invest in supporting people to develop their confidence to share their personal experiences in public settings for the greater good, and in creating safe places for those conversations to take place.

We’re lucky in Western Australia that the WA Department of Health and the WA Primary Health Alliance have recognised this and continue to support WA consumers to be heard on this topic.

Putting the public back in public health

I first heard the phrase “Putting the public back in public health” in a WA Department of Health publication, led by Professor Tarun Weeramanthri when he was the Chief Health Officer there.

It has stuck with me since. I think it’s because I see that so many of the elements that impact on our health and wellbeing are factors in the realm of our social worlds, rather than in the realm of our clinical experience.

This idea sharpened considerably for me when I took on HCC’s involvement in what was then called “The Obesity Collaborative – Partners in Change” project. A forward thinking team at the WA Department of Health and the WA Primary Health Alliance gave HCC a small grant to gather consumer insights so that work to address the health impacts of obesity was grounded in the experience of people with lived experience.

That work led to a survey with 750 responses, 25 first-person accounts, and two videos featuring consumers sharing their perspectives – perspectives that were shared at the two Summits on the subject in 2018. (You can see that work here.) That work shaped the development of the WA Healthy Weight Action Plan.

What emerged from all the stories and feedback people shared was:

  • people’s experiences relating to weight and health vary widely. This is backed up by the academic literature which highlights the heterogeneity of people’s experiences of obesity.
  • weight bias and stigma is a huge public health issue that is under-recognised by health professionals and public health teams. Academic evidence suggests that in some cases, the health impact of weight stigma can be more harmful than the health impact related to weight.
  • that many of things that people turned to when seeking to address this issue were non-clinical. One hypothesis for this that diet culture needs us all to feel individually responsible for our weight so that we will buy programs and products that promise the holy grail of long-term weight loss.

Another personal observation for me was the role that our current economic model plays in our health. Whether it’s because there is limited regulation of the food industry (because #profit), or because people living on no/low-incomes are dealing with a whole range of issues including how to make ends meet, or because we are encouraged to believe we should be so committed to our jobs that we’d rather miss a meal than an important meeting – the economic environment has a huge impact on our health and health inequity.

Partnering with consumers – in implementing positive change

The value of lived experience perspectives in the Healthy Weight Action Plan was recognised as essential and another grant from the Department of Health enabled HCC to gather more consumer insights to support the implementation of the Plan. (Again, kudos to the Department of Health for their forward thinking approach. Too often “consumer engagement” stops once the plan is published.)

That grant enabled HCC to gather insights from people with diverse perspectives on the topic including Aboriginal people, people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, men, young people, and people with disability. It also enabled us to ensure that consumer perspectives shaped the critical activities being implemented as part of the plan. In this way, consumers or consumer perspectives were involved as projects were shaped and developed including:

  • Scoping a new proof of concept program offering virtual support to consumers who were using evidence-based very low calorie diet products
  • Scoping commissioning standards for DoH and WAPHA to use when commissioning services in this area
  • Scoping and refining the collaborative approach to addressing this issue in WA ↓↓

Introducing the WA WELL Collaborative!

The WA WELL Collaborative (WELL = weight education and lifestyle leadership) is the culmination of many hours of work by many teams of people across the community and the health sector.

The WELL Collaborative is a network where everyone with an interest in addressing the health impacts of weight, overweight, and obesity can come together. Whether that’s to find information about existing services, where consumers can be connected with clinicians and researchers who are working on new concepts, or to share challenges and wins about working in this very complex field.

One main way that people can access the network is through our freshly launched website:

You can sign up there to receive regular updates about Collaborative activities. The website is a living site and will be updated regularly.

HCC, WA Department of Health and WA Primary Health Alliance – taking action

I’m delighted to say that HCC has been given a grant by the WA Department of Health and the WA Primary Health Alliance to enable us to continue to ensure that lived experience voices continue to shape and drive this work. Part of our role is to host the backbone function of the WELL Collaborative. In practice this means hosting different networks, organising events, and managing the website.

The first thing I’m really proud of is the name – originally in the Plan this group was going to be the Obesity Collaborative. But since we started talking to consumers, it was clear that the term “obesity” was not one they connected with. It has become widely understood in the community as a pejorative term – and so, unsurprisingly, many consumers aren’t drawn to it. And so when working on a brand and name for the network, we made sure that was clear to the team developing those.

(Note of caution… we know that some consumers are very comfortable with the term and have questioned how other people like them – who are seeking help for the health impacts of obesity – will find their way to the website. We are addressing that through the data we use for search engine optimisation and our communications with other partners.)

The other ways that consumers have shaped this network include the imagery that has been used, and the focus on weight stigma.

Representation matters

We regularly hear from consumers in larger bodies that they are tired of never seeing any positive images when discussing weight and health. They want to see themselves reflected in images that reflect their lives – which are not all doom and gloom. So we connected the website team with a number of the image libraries that have been curated by various groups around the world.

Weight stigma – a major public health issue

A major finding from our work with consumers was the impact that shame, embarrassment and stigma has on people’s health. Whether that’s explicit bias being expressed by health professionals, or implicit in the body language; or it might also be internalised weight stigma – where we’ve been brought up to believe (incorrectly) that we are entirely responsible for our weight and so if we aren’t able to shape our bodies the way we want to, then it is a personal failing. All of these can input on our health – if we don’t receive the correct healthcare advice and treatment because of incorrect assumptions based on our size; if we don’t reach out for treatment because we’re embarrassed our efforts haven’t worked, or if we cope with body shaming by opting for less healthy behaviours.

HCC will be doing a lot more on this topic in the coming months – so watch this space.

But for now, check out this video where consumers talk about their own experiences of weight stigma in health services, and find out what you can do to become aware of any unintentional bias you may hold at

Health consumer stories driving positive change

COVID, consenting to medical research, cancer information, and promoting health

The first few weeks of 2022 have been a busy time in health in WA…

Preparing for and living with COVID

Those weeks have been a time for everyone at Health Consumers’ Council of intense listening to, sharing and advocating for more consumer voices in the planning and preparing the health system’s response to preparing to live with COVID.

In that time we’ve held three discussions with consumer leaders and representatives across WA to hear what was on people’s minds as they were preparing themselves, their families and their communities for living with COVID.

Key messages we heard were that there was a sense of fear in some parts of the community as people navigate the shift from “COVID is to be avoided at all costs” to “we are living with COVID”. We also heard that there was a lack of information for health consumers who have underlying conditions, or who are immunocompromised, and need to make additional preparations. And the third strong message was people’s concerns were not just for their health, but the social implications of COVID. For example, who can people rely on if they’re a carer and they get sick? How do people get access to care if they’re unable to leave the house? What should they be doing to make sure they can get access to the healthcare they need – and stay safe?

And finally, we heard a strong message from health consumers about the opportunity to help people feel more empowered and confident in their ability to prepare.

We’ve shared these concerns with health leaders including the Minister for Health, health service Chief Executives and the teams leading the COVID response at the WA Health Department and the WA Primary Health Alliance.

By the end of last week, we’d seen a couple of significant changes – South Metropolitan Health Service had published information on their websites for people who are immunocompromised, and some patients who are at a higher risk of developing severe disease if they contract COVID are receiving calls from their specialists to help them work out how they can prepare themselves and their families.

We also were able to get information about the new COVID Care At Home program out to over 110 people who registered for a community conversation with Dr Robyn Lawrence from the Health Department, as well as getting into out to the broader community via a mention in Renee Gardiner’s column in The West.

The next focus will be to keep getting the message out into the community – particularly to those groups where mainstream communication methods like websites and news media in English are not widely used.

The other focus will be on encouraging other people in the community to play their part in getting information out to the people who need it and to look out for their neighbours or family members who might value a bit of support. As one consumer who was quoted in the article in The West said “We are all in the same storm but the boats are so different it’s hard to hang out in the tinny with a hole in when others are in their yacht.”

And it’s not all about COVID… have your say!

As we finalise our preparations for living with COVID it’s important to remember it’s not the only health issue that’s important for the WA community. There are a couple of key consultations that are looking for consumer input:

  • What are your views about the issue of giving consent to treatment – particularly if you’re incapacitated?
    • The Guardianship and Administration Act Part 9E came into existence on 7 April 2020 “to enable medical research to be carried out in respect of persons who do not have the ability to consent  to it.” While it might seem a bit dry, it could make the difference between someone accessing cutting edge treatment that is part of a research program or not.
    • Find out more and complete the short survey by 25 February at
  • Have you or someone you know had cancer? What information was, or would have been, most helpful?
    • A team of researchers at UWA and WA Department of Health are researching the information needs of people who are diagnosed with cancer. This is part of the WA Cancer Plan implementation. This survey closes on 28 February. Please share it widely

And finally – towards a healthier WA

This month we also made time to respond to the WA Department of Health’s consultation on the WA Health Promotion Strategic Framework. We called for a stronger focus on health inequities, the recognition of early childhood trauma on our longer term health, and encouraged a bold vision for a healthier WA that the whole community can buy into.

You can read our submission here

Clare Mullen, A/Executive Director
February 2022

9. Information on your legal options

Disclaimer: HCC is a non-statutory, issue-based organisation. We are not legally or medically trained and do not have legal powers to force outcomes. If you are seeking information on legal processes or advice, please review the resources below as they will be the most appropriate pathways for you in this situation.


Find a Lawyer Tool Tips for hiring a private lawyer How to communicate with your lawyer Questions to ask your lawyer


Legal information when seeking compensation

If medical providers breach duty of care, there are pathways for medical negligence compensation claims and legal proceedings.

Common issues resulting in claims include misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose, making an existing condition significantly worse through practice, failing to provide appropriate care, treatment, referral, surgery or post-operative care resulting in significant damage or incorrectly reporting test results resulting in significant damage or mismanagement of care.  It is important to note that not all claims are valid, as the damage and impact needs to be significant, and needs to be supported with evidence.

Seeking compensation from a hospital or service can be a long and involved process.  It is important to get independent legal advice before and during an application for compensation, so you can be sure you are receiving what you are owed, and that everything is being done properly.

If you are wanting to pursue a medical negligence case, please see the document button below for an overview of the process, costs, time constraints and other important factors.

If applying for compensation regarding an experience in a private hospital or clinic, you will need to contact the hospital to find out who their medico-legal provider is, and what their processes are.  If it is a single practitioner, they will likely consult with their private medico-legal provider and they will engage with you or your lawyer.  If you are unsure at any point, you can contact the services listed below for advice, or you can seek a legal opinion privately.

If you are applying for compensation from a public hospital or service (excluding public services located in private hospitals) you can follow the document below with an application.


Western Australia’s primary public legal support

The Law Society:

The Law Society of Western Australia is the peak professional association for lawyers in Western Australia. The Law Society is a not-for-profit association dedicated to the representation of its members and to the enhancement of the legal profession through being a respected leader and contributor on law reform, access to justice and rule of law.

They have a tool on their website which can help find lawyers who deal in the areas you require representation in:

They also have lots of resources around finding a lawyer, costs and complaints:


Legal Aid:

1300 650 579

Legal Aid is a public Western Australian service which aims to promote affordable access to legal services and information for all West Australians.  They provide representation in Civil law, Criminal law, Family law and Community legal education.  They do this online, on the phone, in person, in court and in the community.


Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia:

08 9265 6666

ALSWA is currently the largest community based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal organization in Australia. It provides legal aid services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout Western Australia in accordance with grant conditions imposed by the Commonwealth Department of the Attorney General. The Aboriginal Legal Service of WA Limited (ALSWA) is a not for profit organisation which provides legal representation and support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Western Australia.

ALSWA plays a vital role within WA’s justice system, working in collaboration and partnership with communities and key government and non-government partners to rectify legal policies and practices that impact adversely and disproportionately on the legal and human rights of WA’s First Peoples.


Mental Health Law Centre/RUAH Legal Service: &

08 9328 8012 or Freecall 1800 620 285

Ruah and the Mental Health Law Centre are committed to providing much-needed, integrated legal and non-legal support to families and together they’re expanding their support services under the umbrella banner of Ruah Legal Services.

They have a team of qualified lawyers, paralegals and community workers, from across the Ruah network to deliver a seamless multidisciplined approach that ranges from advice, early intervention and advocacy, to representation in court, and referral to other services for ongoing care and support.  Their priority is on criminal and mental health act cases.

They offer support in two main areas of legal support:

  • Care and Protection – legal and non-legal advocacy and support for the growing number of families facing child protection proceedings for parents experiencing a mental health illness.
  • Mental Health– WA’s centre of excellence for legal matters related to mental illness. MHLC specialises in matters related to the Mental Health Act 2014, including involuntary treatment, guardianship and administration, responding to Restraining Orders and Criminal Law matters, including court appearances and sentencing, SAT and fitness hearings.
  • They also provide support to clients with legal matters related to housing and homelessness, and family and domestic violence.

Community Legal Services:

Circle Green – Circle Green is a community legal centre in Western Australia providing state-wide specialist legal services in employment, residential tenancy law, family and domestic violence, and migration services aimed at assisting people who are otherwise disadvantaged in their access to legal services.

Women’s Legal Service – Women’s Legal Service is a not for profit community legal centre who provide free legal services to WA women.  They practice in family law, family violence, protection and care matters and criminal injuries compensation relating to family violence or assault.

Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre – Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre aims to provide clients in WA’s northern corridor with a service that is specific to their needs, within the areas of tenancy, immigration issues, restraining orders, older people’s rights, women’s engagement and financial counselling.

Sussex Street Community Legal Service – Sussex Street Community Legal Service is a ‘non-profit’ non-government community based organisation that provides access to accountable, non-judgemental and effective legal services to low income people in the community in areas of family law, civil law, minor criminal law, welfare rights, disability discrimination, tenancy matters and with a night legal service.  They are a geographically bound, so contact them to see if you are in their catchment area.

Fremantle Community Legal Centre – Fremantle Community Legal Centre is a non-profit organisation which provides legal services to low income members of the community.  They offer legal advice in limited areas, document drafting, mediation, restraining order matters and have limited court representation including a duty lawyer at the Fremantle Magistrates Court for FVRO and VRO matters.

Youth Legal Service – Youth Legal Service  is a not-for-profit organisation providing free legal services to children and young people across Western Australia.  They offer advice over the phone (1800 199 066 or 9202 1688) and offer representation in court for limited matters.

Gosnells Community Legal Centre – Gosnells Community Legal Centre promote basic human rights, including housing, income, equality, freedom and dignity, by a variety of support services to resolve legal, economic or social issues.  They provide support in areas of family law, child support, domestic violence law, financial counselling, tenancy advocacy, mediation and victim compensation, and are linked with Armadale Community Legal Service (

Law Access:

Law Access is a not-for-profit organisation that coordinates the giving of pro bono (free) legal assistance by the Western Australian legal profession.

The service is targeted at not-for-profits and individuals in genuine need of legal assistance who satisfy a means and merits test. We are the last resort for those who cannot get legal assistance from community legal centres or legal aid.

Healthy Weight Resources – Consumer Insights

Health Consumers’ Council received funding from the WA Department of Health to connect and involve people impacted by overweight and obesity.

We have a number of documents available for people working within WA health services to contribute to improving health services in this area.

The information includes:

  • Consumer stories shared anonymously about people’s experience of their weight and using the health system for support
  • Consumer insights from these groups* – please email to request a copy. In your email, please outline your intended use of this information:
    • Children, young people and families
    • People from culturally and linguistically diverse communities
    • Aboriginal people
    • People with disability
    • Men
  • Insights about how consumers would like to discuss weight with health professionals
  • Learnings from our experience engaging with consumers on this topic

* Please note these insights are not exhaustive and in some cases come from small numbers of people. We share these in the hope that they add value to the evidence-based information on this topic.

Healthier environments

Health consumers tell us that it can be challenging to find healthy options in their community. This includes what options are available in our food environment, as well as access to options where people can easily and safely enjoy physical activity.

At Health Consumers’ Council, we believe health consumers and the community can play a role in advocating for healthier environments.

Have your say

In preparation for a consultation held by the WA Department of Planning we hosted a community conversation on how to have your say on the planning environment in WA.

You can watch this presentation by Ainslie Sartori from Cancer Council WA as she outlines some of their work on this topic. Submissions closed on 31 August 2021.


Connect with others

Join over 115 people in our private moderated Facebook group, and/or join the hundreds of others on our mailing list to hear regular updates on work in this area.

You can also follow Health Consumers’ Council on Facebook for updates across all our projects.

Find out more

Here are a few resources that provide information about how a healthier environment could look, and what’s important when planning our communities.

Public health planning for local government

Many local governments advocated for public health planning and are producing public health plans in anticipation for the commencement of Part 5 of the Public Health Act 2016. 

WA Health is supportive of this initiative and encourages local governments to commence the process of developing their local public health plan.

Find out more about public planning for local government at

Healthy active by design – from the Heart Foundation

You can find a whole range of great resources on this page

In particular, we find these resources very useful:

  • What do Australians want? Results of a consumer survey of over 2,800 people across Australia.
    • Find out more about the survey results here.
    • Click here to download a WA summary.
  • A list of resources about the built environment –
  • How walkable is your suburb? Have a look at this list, then rate your suburb next time you’re out on your walk. Click here to find out more and see the list.

Obesity prevention work by Cancer Council WA

The Obesity Prevention team at Cancer Council WA publish a regular newsletter for people interested in their work aimed at changing public policy to drive healthier environments.

Climate change and health

You can link with other people who are taking action to address the impact of climate change on human and environmental health

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Last updated 13/08/21

Healthy Weight Action Plan – Get Involved

Talking about overweight and obesity – consumer insights for health professionals and the health sector

For all sorts of reasons, talking about weight, overweight and health can be a sensitive and difficult subject for some people.

We recognise that some people aren’t interested in talking about weight with health professionals. But for those who are, we want to help make these conversations safe, empathetic and helpful, so that you get the right information and support for you.

We’re developing a set of consumer insights for health services on engaging with people with overweight and obesity.

The first step was to hear from people with experience of overweight and obesity about how they would like to be approached about weight by health professionals and engage in weight-related health activities. Our Weighing in on Weight Talk survey had about 150 responses. We’re using these responses and feedback from consumers to develop these insights.


We would like to hear more perspectives from people living regionally, children/young people and families, people living in larger bodies, men, and Aboriginal people, to ensure the project captures a wide range of voices and experiences.

If you identify with any of these groups and want to get involved, please contact Clare Mullen at or 9221 3422.

Share Your Story

Your experiences matter.

We use consumer stories to advocate for consumer led initiatives and share stories, or parts of stories, with people in the health system who are working towards better health care services for weight related health issues.

We understand stigma is a big barrier to individuals sharing their stories, and have made sure we share stories in an anonymous way. We will not identify you in any way (by name, email address or anything else), unless you explicitly tell us you are happy to be identified.

We would love to hear about your experience with the health system regarding weight. Please use this template to share your story and send it to Clare Mullen at

Stay In Touch

You can spread the word about this important topic by sharing our posts on social media – follow HCC’s Facebook page for updates and join our private moderated Facebook group Partners in Change – Healthy Life for Longer to connect with others.

You can also join our mailing list for regular updates on the project and opportunities to be involved as the plan moves into action.

Healthy Weight Action Plan 2019-2024

Implementation and Work to Date

The Minister for Health launched the WA Healthy Weight Action Plan 2019-2024 on Tuesday 26 November 2019.

Since 2018, Health Consumers’ Council (HCC) has been working in partnership with the Department of Health and the WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) to ensure the consumer voice is front and centre of policy and service planning in this area.

Obesity is also identified in the WA Sustainable Health Review as a priority. In this short video (11m) we give an overview of what we know about that work as of early August 2021.



The WELL Collaborative (formerly WA Obesity Collaborative) (Action 1.1)

One of the key action points under the Healthy Weight Action Plan is to formalise the WA Obesity Collaborative, to connect agendas and drive, facilitate, and coordinate action within in the scope of the WA Healthy Weight Action Plan.

The collaborative approach will provide a platform for people with lived experience, health professionals, and policy makers to work together to take positive action.

Feedback since the launch of the Action Plan has shown that this name didn’t resonate with consumers, nor did it fully encompass what the initiative stands for. Through the feedback with consumers and key stakeholders, the initiative has developed a new name and a new look that considers the full spectrum of experiences of people living with overweight and obesity.

This project, currently under development, is now known as The Weight Education and Lifestyle Leadership Collaborative aka The WELL Collaborative.

Quality Criteria and Outcomes based framework – Curtin University (Action 5.1)

A set of quality indicators and an outcomes framework is being developed to assess what quality health service looks like in the area of overweight and obesity. HCC has been involved in the development of this project, sharing insights from consumers and holding targeted discussions to find out what is important to consumers when it comes to healthy weight services and programs.

Total Meal Replacement trial – Diabetes WA


A pilot of an innovative approach trialing the use of total meal replacement products and telehealth support from allied health staff is being led by Diabetes WA. HCC organised a consumer workshop in 2020 and is involved in the project steering committee.

Shift. A guide for media and communications professionals


East Metropolitan Health Service developed a guide to support media and communications professionals to change the narrative around obesity. HCC had input into the draft document and has been promoting this widely.

Workforce development – East Metropolitan Health Service

East Metropolitan Health Service is developing training for health professionals on how to talk about weight and what support services are available. HCC is providing feedback on the draft course.

GP Healthy Weight Project – WA Primary Health Alliance

The WA Primary Health Alliance is working to improve the capability of general practices to engage in weight management quality improvement activities and deliver suitable weight management assessment and intervention services. HCC is working closely to provide consumer perspectives on this project.

Consumer Advisory Group

HCC’s Healthy Weight Action Plan Consumer Advisory Group provides a consumer perspective on a range of activities related to the implementation of the Health Weight Action Plan.

How consumer feedback shaped the Action Plan

HCC believes it is important that conversations around the Healthy Weight Action Plan are informed by people with lived experience of overweight and obesity.

We gathered consumer perspectives via a survey, workshops, and an online invitation for people to share their stories. You can read a summary of the consumer engagement activities that informed the first phase of this project.

The Action Plan is not “business as usual” for the health system. We are particularly interested in the inclusion of the actions that recognise a new way of working is needed to really impact on this complex health issue.

2020 video update

Helen Mitchell from the Department of Health spoke at a virtual consumer representative drop-in session on how the Action Plan was developed with consumer input, and how the Action Plan is starting to be implemented.

Previous community events

World Obesity Day virtual event

The Obesity Collective hosted a 90-minute virtual event on World Obesity Day 2021 with speakers from across the country.

This session explored many aspects of obesity through a series of ‘rapid talks’ from consumer organisations and health professionals. HCC’s Deputy Director Clare Mullen presented on involving people with lived experience in planning services. The recording of this event can be accessed here.

Community Information Sessions

We regularly hold community information sessions to provide updates on the implementation of the Action Plan and opportunities for conversation around healthy weight.

In February 2021 we held a session with Weight Issues Network and The Obesity Collective, exploring how to speak up for better services for treating overweight and obesity and the importance of sharing our stories to influence change. The recording of the session can be accessed here.

In December 2020 we provided an update on how consumer perspectives were influencing the implementation of the Healthy Weight Action Plan. You can view the slides here and a recording of the session can be accessed here.

In October 2020 we held a community morning tea that explored three key themes in this space: costs and accessibility of services; clarity of information; links around overweight and obesity with mental health and stigma.