Informing New Models of Primary Care was a 6 month collaborative project between the WA Primary Health Network (WAPHA), Health Consumers’ Council, and Curtin University undertaken in 2017. Primary Care refers to the care you receive from your GP and other health care providers outside of the hospital system. WAPHA is supported by funding from the Australian Government under the nation’s Primary Health Network Program.
Prior to this project being established, WAPHA and Curtin undertook consultations with general practice staff to inform how care can best be provided to people to keep them well and out of hospital as much as possible.
Informing New Models of Primary Care project was the second stage, and HCC worked with WAPHA and Curtin but this time focusing on the experience of people who access GP services. It involved convening a series of focus groups with people with multiple chronic health conditions with management under a Care Plan. Findings of these discussions have been compiled in the Naive Inquiry Brochure and were shared with the community at a community forum held on 1st December 2017. This forum provided an opportunity to further the conversation on the developing models of care.