3. How to make a complaint directly to a hospital

There are several ways you can have your complaint heard and responded to by the hospital.

A full list of hospitals and their feedback department contacts is at the bottom of this page. 

You may find these resources useful in your complaint efforts: 

Sample Complaint Letter Complaint letter template


1. Care Opinion: https://www.careopinion.org.au

This is a moderated platform run by an independent non profit organisation that takes your feedback directly to the hospital. Typically you will receive a response from the hospital within 72 hours of it being posted. The team moderate it before posting it so it is not immediately displayed. As all stories are moderated before publishing, please consider this when writing. For example,  critical stories will not be published with names included, they will be edited out. Some stories may not be published but you will be able to discuss this with Care Opinion. You can see their Moderation Policy here.

The Care Opinion website allows you to post your story, positive or negative, anonymously. The health service is identified but you remain anonymous. This story is published to the website where you, and everyone else can track its progress from your story being read, responded to, and a change made if necessary. The feedback is read by the highest level of health service management, so it is one of the most effective ways to make your voice count.
You can also email them at info@careopinion.org.au

We have advocated for this platform, also used in the United Kingdom and Ireland, because its transparency really changes the game. See this page for more information.


2. The consumer liaison/patient feedback service

Each hospital in Western Australia has a feedback department. These departments are made up of staff within the hospital who can help facilitate patient and family services within the hospital, as well as take down, investigate and respond to complaints about the hospitals service. There is a full list of these departments on this link or at the end of this document: https://www.healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/U_Z/WA-Health-patient-consumer-liaison-contacts

The rural hospitals complaints are managed via https://www.wacountry.health.wa.gov.au/About-us/Contact-us/Provide-feedback; a list of the regions and their contact details is available on this website.
You can email, call, submit online or post a complaint to these departments, and you have the right to be heard and to have your concerns and complaints recorded and responded to.
If you call, make sure to ask for a copy of the complaint in writing, and request a response in writing as well. If you would like a meeting with the health professional/s who were involved, you can also request this.  You can either phone or write to the individual hospital or health service. See their details below. 


3. If you are unhappy with the response from either option, you can escalate to AHPRA or HaDSCO:

AHPRA is the overarching body for all health professionals in Australia. They handle registrations and concerns/notifications regarding specific health practitioners. AHPRA is not able to get an apology or recognition from the medical professional, but they are able to investigate and put conditions on a professional’s practice, suspend or terminate their registration, and implement other disciplinary actions.
They work from a public safety perspective and engage directly with the practitioner.

HaDSCO is the overarching body for all health and disability service complaints in WA. They can investigate and provide explanations, apologies, changes in policy, refunds, access to services, education for the medical professionals and conciliation. HaDSCO will also communicate with AHPRA if required, and they operate with services in general.
Please include as much information as you have with the forms; you can write in a separate document and send that with the form if there is not enough room.
Also include the communication you have had previously with the health service, as HaDSCO will likely require you to have already submitted a complaint to the service previously.

The following options are listed as outcomes for HaDSCO processes, however it is not guaranteed that any or all of the selected outcomes will be achieved. 

  • Explanation
  • Access to service
  • Apology
  • Adequate service
  • Change in policy or procedure
  • Counselling/other support
  • Refund/waiver of fees
  • Disciplinary action
  • Conciliation
  • Training/education for service provider
  • The option for ‘other’ – in which you can write your own.

If at any point you require advocacy assistance with your complaint and its resolution, you can contact us, the Health Consumers Council, for advice on 08 9221 3422 (extension 1), or via advocacy@hconc.org.au

To learn more about complaints in the public system, you can download the Complaints Management Policy here.


Public Western Australian Health Feedback Services 

North Metropolitan Health Service

North Metropolitan Health Service, Mental Health

Title: Stakeholder Liaison Officer
Address: Reply Paid 83619 Private Bag No 1, PO Claremont WA 6910
Phone: (08) 9242 9612
Email: feedback.NMHSMH@health.wa.gov.au or complaints.NMHS-MH@health.wa.gov.au

Joondalup Health Campus

Title: Consumer Liaison Service
Address: Clinical Governance Unit, Joondalup Health Campus, Shenton Ave, Joondalup WA 6027, or PO Box 242, Joondalup WA 6919
Phone: (08) 9400 9672
Email: consumerliaison.jhc@ramsayhealth.com.au
Website: Joondalup Health Campus (external site)

King Edward Memorial Hospital

Title: Customer Service Unit
Address: 1st Floor, Executive Corridor, A Block, KEMH
374 Bagot Road, Subiaco WA 6008
Phone: (08) 6458 1444
Email: kemhcsu@health.wa.gov.au
Website: King Edward Memorial Hospital (external site)

Osborne Park Hospital

Title: Consumer Liaison and Admin Officer
Address: Osborne Park Hospital, Osborne Place, Stirling WA 6021
Phone: (08) 9346 8009
Email: OPHCAC@health.wa.gov.au
Website: Osborne Park Hospital (external site)

Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital

Title: Patient Liaison Service
Address: Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Hospital Ave, Nedlands WA 6910
Phone: (08) 6457 2867
Email: SCGHPatientLiaisonService@health.wa.gov.au
Website: Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (external site)

Graylands Hospital

Title: Consumer Liaison Service

Tel: (08) 6159 6600
Postal address: Private Bag 1, Claremont, WA 6910

Email: feedback.NMHSMH@health.wa.gov.au or MHPHDS.CLS@health.wa.gov.au


South Metropolitan Health Service

South Metro Health Service

Address: 14 Barry Marshall Parade, MURDOCH WA 6150
Street address: Locked Bag 100, PALMYRA DC WA 6961
Ph: (08) 6152 2222

Fiona Stanley Hospital

Title: Patient and Family Liaison
Address: Fiona Stanley Hospital, Locked Bag 100 Palmyra DC, WA, 6961
Phone: (08) 6152 4013
Email: FSHfeedback@health.wa.gov.au
Website: Fiona Stanley Hospital (external site)

Fremantle Hospital and Health Service

Title: Patient Liaison
Address: Fremantle Hospital, PO Box 480, Fremantle WA 6959
Phone: (08) 9431 2787
Email: FHfeedback@health.wa.gov.au
Website: Fremantle Hospital and Health Service (external site)

Rockingham Hospital

Title: Consumer Liaison Officer/Freedom of Information Coordinator, Education Safety Quality and Risk Unit
Address: Rockingham Peel Group, PO Box 2033, Rockingham WA 6967
Phone: (08) 9599 4323 or (08) 9599 4632
Email: rpgconsumerliaison@health.wa.gov.au
Website: Rockingham Peel Group (external site)

Peel Health Campus

Title: Executive Director
Address: 110 Lakes Road, Mandurah WA 6210
Phone: (08) 9531 8000
Email: enquiries.phc@ramsayhealth.com.au
Website: Peel Health Campus (external site)


East Metropolitan Health Service

East Metro Health Service

Area office:
10 Murray Street
Perth WA 6000

Postal address:
GPO box X2213
Perth WA 6847

Telephone: (08) 9224 2244
Fax: (08) 9224 3511
Email: EMHS.GeneralEnquiries@health.wa.gov.au

Armadale Kalamunda Group (Armadale Hospital and Kalamunda Hospital)

Title: Corporate Officer
Address: Armadale Health Service, 3056 Albany Highway, Armadale WA 6112, or PO Box 460, Armadale WA 6992
Phone: (08) 9391 1153
Email: AKG_ConsumerLiaison@health.wa.gov.au
Websites: Armadale Health Service (external site)
East Metropolitan Health Service (external site)

Royal Perth Bentley Group (Royal Perth Hospital and Bentley Hospital)

Title: Consumer Engagement Unit
Address: Royal Perth Hospital, Level 3, South Block, Perth WA 6847, or Box X2213 GPO Perth WA 6847
Address: Bentley Hospital, G Block, Mills Street, Bentley WA 6102, or PO Box 158, Bentley WA 6982
Phone: (08) 9224 1637
Email: RPBG.feedback@health.wa.gov.au
Websites: Royal Perth Hospital (external site) and Bentley Health Service (external site)

St John of God Midland Public Hospital

Title: Consumer Liaison and Release of Information Officer
Address: 1 Clayton Street, Midland WA 6056
Phone: (08) 9462 5240
Email: info.midland@sjog.org.au
Website: St John of God Midland Public Hospital (external site)


Child and Adolescent Health Feedback Service

Perth Children’s Hospital

Title: Child and Family Engagement Services
Address: Perth Children’s Hospital, Locked Bag 2010, Nedlands WA 6909
Telephone: (08) 6456 0032
Email: cahs.feedback@health.wa.gov.au
Website: Perth Children’s Hospital (external site)

Country/Rural Feedback Services

WA Country Health Metro Office (they can link you to appropriate rural service)

189 Wellington Street, Perth WA 6000
PO Box 6680, East Perth Business Centre WA 6892
Telephone: +61 8 9223 8500
Facsimile: +61 8 9223 8599
Toll Free: 1800 629 028

Email: WACHS.SafetyQualityPerformance@health.wa.gov.au.


PATS - Patient Assisted Travel Scheme


Bec Smith
Regional Director Kimberley
WA Country Health Service

Unit 1 & 2, 29 Coghlan Street
Broome WA 6725

Postal address: Locked Bag 4011
Broome WA 6725

Phone: (08)9195 2450
Fax: (08) 9192 5819
Email: KHS.Execsecretary@health.wa.gov.au


Regional Director

Margi Faulkner

Postal address: PMB 12, South Hedland WA 6722

Telephone: +61 8 9174 1600
Facsimile: +61 8 9173 3893
Email: WACHS-Pilbara.ExecutiveServices@health.wa.gov.au

Mid West

Acting Regional Director

Rachele Ferrari
Shenton Street
Geraldton WA 6530

Postal address: PO Box 22, Geraldton WA 6531

Telephone: +61 8 9956 2209
Facsimile: +61 8 9956 2421
Email: CES.WACHS-Midwest@health.wa.gov.au


Rgional Director

Peter Tredinnick
The Palms
68 Piccadilly Street
Kalgoorlie WA 6430

Postal address: PO Box 716, Kalgoorlie WA 6430

Telephone: +61 8 9080 5710
Facsimile: +61 8 9080 5724
Email: WACHS-GoldfieldsExec@health.wa.gov.au


Acting Regional Director

Russell Colyer-Cockburn
Shop 4, 78 Wellington St
Northam WA 6401

Postal address: PO Box 690, Northam WA 6401

Telephone: +61 8 9621 0700
Facsimile: +61 8 9621 0701

South West

Kerry Winsor
Regional Director South West
5th Floor Bunbury Tower
61 Victoria Street
Bunbury WA 6230

Phone: (08) 9781 2350
Fax: (08) 9781 2385

Great Southern

Regional Director

Geraldine M Ennis PSM
WA Country Health Service – Great Southern

84 Collie Street
Albany WA 6330

Postal address: PO Box 252, Albany WA 6331

Telephone: +61 8 9892 2672
Facsimile: +61 8 9842 2643
Email: gs.ces@health.wa.gov.au 

Private Metropolitan Feedback Services

Saint John of God (all hospitals)

Saint John of God (all hospitals)

St John of God Health Care
Level 1, 556 Wellington Street
Perth WA 6000
Tel: (08) 6116 0000
Fax: (08) 6116 0800
Email: info@sjog.org.au

St John Of God (ALL HOSPITALS)  or https://www.sjog.org.au/about-us/contact-us

List of Locations  Feedback Form for SJOG Hospitals

Hollywood Hospital

Hollywood Private Hospital
Locked Bag 2002

Phone: 08 9346 6000

Fax: 08 9389 8470

Email: enquiry.hph@ramsayhealth.com.au

Feedback Form for Hollywood Hospital

Other private hospitals

All other private hospitals:

Click here for link