Please find below statements released by Health Consumers’ Council.
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18/03/25 Health Consumers’ Council welcomes new WA ministerial health team
17/11/23 Health Consumers’ Council WA welcomes increased COVID-19 health protections in hospitals
Health Consumers’ Council welcomes the return of COVID-19 health protections in hospitals as COVID-19 infections rise. We can all play a part in a healthy WA.
31/08/23 HCC welcomes mental health reforms
Health Consumers’ Council welcomes the State Government’s decision to elevate the voice of people with lived experience and consumers in how mental health services are designed, developed and overseen. We commend the Government’s decision to listen to people with lived experience, consumer advocates and others to retain current governance structures with a renewed focus on culture change, accountability and strong lived experience voices.
29/08/2022 Seeking multicultural cancer patients and carers to improve cancer information resources
For State-wide, regional and rural WA especially, and men: Community consultations on the cancer information needs of culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) consumers and carers will be held for men, particularly 1st September, and all regional multicultural people 13th September 2022. There are no cancer resources or publications specifically for culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) patients or carers for Western Australian regional communities, men specifically. A consultation discussion project aims to start the process to change that. Health Consumers’ Council (HCC) WA is seeking multicultural, ethnically and linguistically diverse people in the State’s regional and rural areas, and men in particular across metro Perth, to discuss cancer information needs. HCC is specifically looking for CaLD people who have or had cancer – patients – or who are caring for, or cared for, a loved one with cancer to participate in discussions. Contact /read more…
26/07/2021 Health Consumers’ Council joins The Great Registration Race for DonateLife Week
Health Consumers’ Council has received a 2021 Community Awareness Grant from the Organ and Tissue Authority to undertake a project aimed at empowering Western Australians to increase their knowledge of the benefits of organ and tissue donation and transplantation, to encourage family discussion and know each other’s donation decisions, and to register online on the Australian Organ Donor Register.
27/11/2020 It’s time to change the way we speak about obesity
Health Consumers’ Council welcomes a new media and communications guide changing the narrative around obesity. Shift. A guide for media and communications professionals is a new communications tool that aims to work with media to influence better public perceptions of overweight and obesity.
29/11/2019 Duty of Care or Buyer Beware? TGA resonse to Shine class action decision
Despite the TGA’s most recent media release claiming progress in the battle for a just resolution to the pelvic mesh crisis, little has changed since the Senate Inquiry into Pelvic Mesh handed down its recommendations in 2018. Peak state Health consumer bodies spell out what still needs to be done.
22/11/2019 Vindicated! But justice deferred – Shine class action against Johnson & Johnson
Peak state Health Consumer bodies have welcomed the judgement vindicating the more than 1200 mesh injured women who participated in the Shine class action against Johnson & Johnson but reserved judgement on the outcome until the size of the final settlement is announced.
1/05/2019 Health Consumer Excellence Award winners announced
Health Consumers’ Council (HCC) has honoured the everyday heroes in health with the annual Health Consumer Excellence Awards
10/04/2019 Health Consumers’ Council welcomes the Sustainable Health Review Final Report
Health Consumers’ Council (WA) Executive Director Pip Brennan welcomed the report and its recommendations, and said HCC was looking forward to working together with health staff, consumers, non-profit organisations, and the community at large to bring the strategies into action.
11/03/2019 Heritage Identification study published by the Medical Journal of Australia
As the peak advocacy body for patients’ rights in WA, Health Consumers’ Council was consulted during the study which formally documented the frequency of references to a patient’s cultural heritage during medical handover and in hospital medical records.