Search Results for: health information

Health Information

Information is essential for you to be confident and empowered when making choices about your own health care.

Knowledge about health issues is constantly changing. Every year increases the sum of human knowledge through scientific and medical research, and consumers are empowered who are able to access and understand new information, relevant to their health care.

Warning on using the Internet

The Internet can be an invaluable source of up to date information, about medical conditions, illnesses, research findings, services and other issues of importance to you. However, the quality and reliability of health – related sites on the Internet are varied. Accuracy is not guaranteed. Further, each health consumer or patient is an individual, whose condition is unique. Not all advice on the Internet is good. Not all advice will be relevant or safe for you. A good approach to using the Internet is to make notes on the information that interests you and then discuss it with the doctor or other health professional who is treating you.

Click here to access our list of health sites

Information about the WA Health System

We have collected or developed the below resources to help newly arrived migrants, people who are unfamiliar with the WA health system, and/or those who do not have English as a first language. Not all resources are available in languages other than English, but where available we have provided links.

Covid-19 multicultural resources – A collection of Covid resources in languages other than English from both government and reputable other organisations.  Includes a video about the government’s COVIDsafe app available in 8 different languages and also a link to download a Covid information app in language.

Overview of the WA Health System  – This Government of WA, Department of Health page gives a brief overview of the WA public health system and how it is divided up (geographically) into the  metropolitan services of North Metropolitan Health Service, The South Metropolitan Health Service and The East Metropolitan Health Service plus the The Child and Adolescent Health Service and WA Country Health Service for regional and remote.  Links to each of these services are provided on the page.

Medicare eligibility and enrolling – This Australian Government page explains who is eligible for Medicare and how to enrol for a Medicare number / card.

About Medicare – This Australian Government page explains what is covered by Medicare and how to make claims (for money back or rebates)

Choosing Private Health Insurance – This page by the Commonwealth Ombudsman for Private Health Insurance explains how private health works in Australia and provides information on choosing a policy.

Your healthcare rights – This Health Consumers’ Council page explains your (legal) rights in healthcare around informed consent and the right to competent care.  Links also to more detail about mental health rights.

Going to hospital – Easy English Version – This is a Health Consumers’ Council produced brief brochure which explains (in simple English with few words and plenty of images) what to expect if you are going to hospital.  Includes what to pack and a bit about what to expect when you get home.

Going to hospital – Languages Other Than English – The above mentioned Health Consumers’ Council brochure is available in Farsi, Arabic, Urdu, Dari and Karen.

Choosing the right health service – This animated video from Health Direct (available in English, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese and Vietnamese) explains when it’s appropriate to use an online information resource, consult a telephone or online health help line, consult a pharmacist, consult your GP or go to hospital.

The role of a GP  – This animated video from Health Direct (available in English, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese and Vietnamese) explains the role of a General Practitioner (GP) or local, family doctor.  It explains what a GP can do for your and your family and how and when they will pass you over to a specialist doctor.  It explains how to find, choose and access a GP.

Paying for Healthcare – This animated video from Health Direct (available in English, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese and Vietnamese) discusses the cost of various health services and what services are covered by Medicare, the government scheme that helps Australians pay for healthcare.

Maternity Services – This animated video from Health Direct (available in English, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese and Vietnamese) looks at options for pregnancy care and where to give birth in Australia and the costs associated with the services.

Baby’s First Weeks – This animated video from Health Direct (available in English, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese and Vietnamese) looks and the services and support you can receive in the weeks post birth of a baby when living in Australia.

Mental Health – Link to the Embrace Multicultural Mental Health portal which is for both community and services providers.  For community there is a range of mental health resources in multiple languages as well as some personal stories and a list of community support organisations.

Five Questions To Ask Your Doctor – This is a Choosing Wisely provided resource, available in multiple languages, which provides five (5) questions which it is sensible to ask your doctor before opting for any test or treatment (together with a brief explanation as to why each is important).

Speaking Up and Giving Feedback – Link to the Health Consumers’ Council page of “self-advocacy” resources.  It provides key resources and links to websites to support yourself in the health system, and provide feedback to our health services.

The Health Translations Directory – A Victorian Government library of health resources which have been translated into multiple languages.  A very well stocked library which you can search via topic / condition or via language.


If you are from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) background or work with people from a CaLD background then please participate in our survey on available health literacy resources for CaLD populations.   

Click here to complete the survey

Digital Health Series – Patient Portals

By Pip Brennan, Electronic Medical Record Consumer Reference Group Convenor

The Health Consumers’ Council was funded by the WA Health Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Program to convene three consumer webinars and four Consumer Reference Group meetings between January and June 2024. The purpose of this work is to build on the EMR Consumer Charter that was co-designed developed in 2021.

In this interim period prior to developing a tender for a statewide EMR, HCC aims to upskill a group of supported, networked consumers and empower us to deliberate on key aspects of the EMR. We have also created several videos on key topics. We are sharing the learnings from this work as widely as we can, as WA continues its progress towards obtaining EMR in around three years’ time.

Patient Portals – what do consumers need to know?

The Patient Portal is the part of an Electronic Medical Record that we can see and interact with.

It was the focus of the EMR Consumer Reference Group meeting in February 2024. Prior to the meeting, a list of patient portal resources were provided for the Group to look at:

At the meeting, we interviewed Liz Cashill and Consumer Representative Mary Oti from Royal Melbourne Hospital. They began implementing their patient portal in their EMR in 2020 and share key insights about what a patient portal is, how it works in practice, and what we need to think about as consumer representatives. You can watch the video replay below or read the transcript here.

WA’s Consumer priorities for a Patient Portal

After the presentation, the EMR Consumer Reference Group discussed our priorities for the future WA Health EMR Patient Portal. This is a summary which was provided to the WA Health EMR Program:

Consumer involvement: Consumers are partners throughout all stages of scoping, procurement, development and rollout of a patient portal.

Consumer centred: Base the design around us as consumers, as we move all across the system and want to be able to use one entry point for all our care. It must integrate and connect with adjunct and related systems; it needs to work in harmony with My Health Record. A priority for consumer centred care includes recording of preferred pronouns, name etc as part of the patient portal.

Consumer empowerment: The portal must support partnering with our health care team to achieve the best possible health outcomes. Specifically this includes two-way communication with an ability to view,  edit, download and print information about us. We need to be linked to knowledge and resources to navigate our care journey, with easy and intuitive navigation features.

Transparency, Choice and Control: this would look like there being controls for sharing of information need to be in place as they are for My Health Record, and understanding

Equity of access: we need to be supported to use the patient portal if we wish, but to receive the same standard of care if we don’t choose to use it. We would also like to see system flags to support equitable care,. e.g. when someone is travelling from the country. Other examples include a flag if there is a Disability Care Plan so staff are supported to provide safe care to someone who for example isn’t verbal. Flags to support trauma informed care are also key. A key consideration too is a patient portal available in languages other than English.

Proxy access is important with protections and permissions. For example, accessing health care for an adult child with a disability in the absence of guardianship –e.g. NDIS offer “common sense” choices – where people don’t need to get Guardianship to access their adult child’s records. We can sometimes have a bias towards the presumption of abuse e.g. in carers for people with disability, people who are frail aged.

Check the Digital Health page for the full series of webinars and information sessions on the WA Electronic Medical Record.

Reflections on the Digital Health Festival 2024

By Pip Brennan, Electronic Medical Record Consumer Reference Group Convenor

I was lucky enough to attend the Digital Health Festival 2024 in Melbourne, with WA consumer and health professional colleagues. The Health Consumers’ Council in WA negotiated to obtain three free consumer passes, and WA Health’s Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Program Team funded travel for myself and HCC Engagement Coordinator Kieran Bindahneem. We met Ricki Spencer in Melbourne, they are a member of the EMR Consumer Reference Group and split their time between WA and Victoria.

With eight concurrent streams and mostly 30-45 minute presentations, the Digital Health Festival was definitely overwhelming. Some of the concurrent presentations offered headphones, and these were by far the easiest presentations to stay focused in.

At the entrance was the stand where I took the opportunity to include a message about the importance of consumer involvement. #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs. It was not a common idea, and presentations mentioning co-design usually meant different health and government professionals collaborating. The wrap up report for the Digital Health Festival doesn’t mention the word “consumer” or “patient” anywhere – we sit somewhere in the “Other” category in the pie charts and tables. I have been approached to speak at the Digital Health Festival in 2025.

What has stayed with me

  • Dr Wonchul Cha’s keynote presentation about the Samsung Medical Centre in Korea, especially how the Patient Reported Outcomes surveys, which are integrated into their electronic medical record, achieve an 80%-90% response rate. They are a seamless part of the clinical appointment, and keep patient wellbeing right on top of the agenda.
  • Meeting up with consumer advocates including Mehmet Kavlakoglou, Harry Iles-Mann, and Ricky Spencer. Some quiet times talking outside the hub-bub of the Festival were restorative and insightful.
  • Talking to Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) staff and filling in a missing piece of the PROMS puzzle in my mind – how they need to be integrated into an EMR and used as part of care to get the return rate that really tracks patient outcomes (see Samsung example above).
  • Listening to a CSIRO presentation on the work they’re doing regarding consent processes and how to have ongoing consent facilitated when our data is used for research – consumers aren’t actively involved yet, but hoping they will be soon.
  • Panel discussion on how AI is supporting clinical decision making where one speaker suggested that over time, clinical trials may not be approved unless they have already gone through AI as this will reduce potential harm to patients.
  • I don’t need to feel total despair that each state and territory is doing its own thing regarding electronic medical records. Interoperability is still going to be technically possible. It is the number one consumer priority! The key challenges we have in relation to digital health are actually cultural – but the interoperability work at the federal level mandating interoperability is helpful.


Some reflections

  • What would it be like to have a consumer-co-led digital health festival with a focus on research translation, rather than research commercialisation? Some presentations were very sales-y.
  • Most states and territories have implemented their EMRs without significant or meaningful consultation with consumers, and even in some cases clinicians. Not so in WA! And after the conference the WA Budget announcement confirmed that WA will be funded for the next three years to develop a tender and appoint a supplier for WA’s EMR.
  • We have an EMR Consumer Charter in WA and a Consumer Reference Group working with the WA Health Team. We are upskilling ourselves and reflecting on what are key consumer priorities for an EMR. See our web page for all updates.

Opinion: It’s time for full transparency on who’s making money out of our healthcare

By Clare Mullen, Executive Director

So, there’s a few spats going on on social media at the moment in relation to health finance. Like on this post on LinkedIn where people representing surgeons, and people representing private health insurers, seem to me to be arguing about which one of them is going to charge the patient for the cost of surgical items.

So – it’s Saturday morning, and I have a bit of time, so I thought I’d try to see what some of these interests might be.

First up – the average salary of a surgeon

I couldn’t find any publicly funded sources of information from my quick search. But this article from Medrecruit (a medical recruitment firm) say they’ve used Australian Tax Office data to come up with an average taxable salary of $394,000 a year. The same company writes that neurosurgeons – like those who do spine surgery – can earn up to $800,000 a year.

So, between the 2023 article from Medrecruit, and a 2023 article from GlassDoor I feel comfortable reaching the conclusion that:

  • the average salary of a surgeon in Australia is around $340,000/year

Then to health insurer profits

The five biggest health insurance companies in Australia, according to the national consumer group Choice Australia are:

  • Medibank
  • Bupa
  • HCF
  • NIB
  • HBF

So I looked at the most recent annual reports (for 2023) for all of these companies. Some headlines:

  • Four of these five companies reported multi-million dollar profits last year – the exception is HBF who reported a loss of $87.7m, down from a loss last year too.
  • The average annual profit reported across the four was $344m/year.
  • Collectively, they reported profits of $1.3b.
  • Two of these five are set up as not-for-profit organisations – HCF (profit of $171.4m) and HBF

And so to the salaries of senior staff in health insurance firms…

I looked at what private health insurers pay their senior staff. (As a passing observation, if I didn’t know better I’d say that these firms don’t want you to work out what their senior staff get paid, because many of the reports make this information as opaque as possible. But I do know better. Except for HCF – they *really* don’t want you to know so they don’t publish it.)

Taking out HCF (because they don’t make that information available online), the average pay for the Chief Executive of the three other health insurance firms that reported a profit (or surplus) is $1.6m a year. Graph showing the comparison between the pays of health insurance CEOs, surgeons, and average earnings in Australia

As a comparison, the average for adult full-time earnings in Australia is $101,000/year. When you do a comparison that includes all earners (i.e. including those working part-time), the average annual salary is $74,500.

(And the CEO at HBF is reported as having been paid $731k to June 2023.)

So what?

So what does this mean? Is this just me whingeing about people who work hard to earn their money?

Nope. This is me trying to reconcile the reality of healthcare in this country. Where your socio-economic status determines your health, but where we’re seeing more outrage about which bit of the health system that’s making lots of money for the companies and people involved in providing that healthcare is going to pass on the cost of that healthcare to the people needing the healthcare.

It’s time for full transparency in health finances

As an informed health consumer, I find it really frustrating how challenging it is to find out about the financial interests in health. I want to know if the person or company providing me with care is doing it for my benefit, or for theirs.

This website from the Federal Government is a good start to find out about likely out of pocket costs for treatment you might be considering –

And as someone who speaks regularly to people who are battling to get access to the healthcare they need – either having to overcome financial challenges, or grapple with bureaucratic processes that seem to have been designed by people who don’t give a fig about the people trying to access healthcare (which I know isn’t true!) – I want to see a much stronger voice for consumers and the community on this issue.

So let’s have full transparency on health finances. A few ideas off the top of my head on this Saturday morning:

  • If any healthcare provider receives any public funding (like Medicare), let’s require them to publish information about profits, and any individual salaries over the average annual salary
  • If any provider negotiates financial deals – like commission to preferred providers, or incentives for particular types of treatment – let’s require this to be published, and the information be made available to the consumer when they’re making a decision about treatment options
  • Along with the Choosing Wisely questions, let’s add a question about “What are the financial implications for you – the provider – in any of the options we’re discussing?”



Digital Health and the Electronic Medical Record – February 2024 Update

WA has been talking about getting an Electronic Medical Record for decades but to date, this has not exactly eventuated.

The first iteration of a digital record in our state came about when the Fiona Stanley Hospital was built in 2013. A newer version of this digital medical record has been in the process of being rolled out across our vast state since 2022. This has been done in preparation for a full Electronic Medical Record.

A project of this scale will require significant investment. During 2022-2023, a Business Case was developed and has now been submitted to treasury for consideration.

In 2021, HCC worked on a Consumer Charter for an Electronic Medical Record. If our state is successful in obtaining funding for the full Electronic Medical Record, there will still be a 10-year process to get a finalised version working in all our public hospitals. That means consumers will still be able to influence the design to ensure it meets our needs, as well as clinician and health system needs.

What do consumers think?

Consumer Involvement

HCC has been funded by WA Health to establish a Consumer Reference Group to help shape the project.

We will run three webinars between now and June 2024, and our Consumer Reference Group will meet four times within that period as well. We aim to build on the work of the Consumer Charter to provide considered feedback about our concerns and hopes for the key elements of an Electronic Medical Record.

We invite you to join us for the webinars; more details will be available soon and we will post the recordings online for those who can’t make it.

Connecting Across our Whole Health System

“Interoperability” – our information able to be accessed by ALL our care team.

An Electronic Medical Record is all your health information from within public hospital walls. Consumers have said they are interested in their GP also being able to access important health information. Linking up residential and home-based aged care services has also been mentioned regularly. This is not the current focus of this program. Our role as consumer advocates is to link in with what is happening at a federal level with My Health Record. Ideally, we can help ensure the consumer ambition to have more integrated care is supported through digital innovations such as a patient portal that links up all our records.

Patient Portals

These are the public-facing part of an Electronic Medical Record – the part we will interact with. This is an area that we need to be able to influence the design of – seeing and changing appointments, being able to message the care team, etc. Continuing to link in with the federal developments of My Health Record will be a key consumer advocacy point.

Data Use, Privacy and Confidentiality

Connecting data across systems is currently very difficult. This makes it difficult for us to know if  health interventions are having the health outcomes we seek. An electronic medical record will generate data that could help us better understand the health outcomes being created through our health system. Meanwhile, My Health Record offers us the opportunity to lock down parts of our record, and know who has accessed our record, and we need to understand what might be possible in an Electronic Medical Record.

Patient Reported Outcome Measures and Patient Reported Experience Measures

Known as PROMS and PREMS and aiming to measure the patients’ views of their experiences and health, these measures are being developed in a piecemeal fashion in different areas of health and different parts of Australia (and the world). They will be part of the Electronic Medical Record and we need to be part of the conversation about what measures are used or developed.

Care Pathways – Sandwich or Biscuit?

Care pathways are informed by a number of factors, including evidence from clinical practice, research, and service improvement projects. These are a description of the best evidence informed care that consumers can expect. They are not meant to de-personalise care, rather care pathways are “guard rails” to support safe and high-quality care. These too will be encoded into the My Health Record and will require a coming together across WA’s public health system to agree on these. For example, if you are receiving diabetic care and experience low blood sugar in one part of the health system, you may be offered a sandwich. If you are in another part of the health system you may be offered a biscuit. How these are harmonised and developed across the state requires consumer input.


Pip Brennan, Consumer Consultant, February 2024


Health Service Consulting

Health Consumers’ Council is an independent charity that also operates as a non-profit social enterprise. Delivering paid projects is one of the ways that we fund our work with consumers, community members, and people with lived experience. Engaging HCC to work with your organisation will also help us to achieve our shared goal of person-centred equitable high-quality care for all.

Our consulting services support consumer-focused organisations with the design and development of innovative, contemporary approaches to consumer and community partnerships and involvement. With a people-first approach and a consumer/lived experience lens at the heart of everything we do, our work helps health organisations and staff feel more confident to work with consumers in a meaningful way.

We invite you to discuss your project and any associated fees with our team. We work hard to keep our overheads low so we can offer you value for money. When you work with HCC, you have the added value of knowing any revenue we generate is used to benefit the WA community.

Supporting health services to involve consumers and community

Health consumers play a vital role in ensuring improvements in healthcare delivery and a more person-centred healthcare system. We believe you cannot have effective, efficient, and safe health services without input from consumers.

In addition to providing support, education, and facilitation for health consumers, carers and community members, we offer a range of services for healthcare providers and the health system. Some of these attract a fee, which we encourage you to discuss with us.

With a deep understanding of the issues that impact diverse consumers, a wealth of collective knowledge, data and experience around working with the health system, and the ability to provide unique and nuanced insights, we offer immeasurable value to those wanting to deliver health services based on consumer needs.

We believe in the importance of authentic, productive partnerships in healthcare to create the WA health service we all aspire to.

Our full capability statement will be available soon.

When you work with HCC, you will have access to:

  • A partner who will work with you to shape and guide your project so that you get the right level of engagement to deliver on the promises made to all stakeholders
  • An equitable and collaborative approach that is sensitive to the needs of both consumers and health services staff
  • A team of qualified, multi-skilled experts with considerable lived experience, who are committed to championing the consumer voice
  • Experienced facilitators with diverse backgrounds, skilled at engaging with consumers with diverse backgrounds and requirements, in a meaningful way
  • An extensive network of connections and ongoing, trusted relationships with health consumers and communities
  • Support to connect and engage with informed and experienced consumer representatives

When should you contact us?

Before you scope your project: we can advise on timeframes and resources needed to meaningfully engage with consumers, carers and community members.

Once the scope is confirmed: we can advise you on ways you can reach and engage with your target groups.

During your engagement activities: we can help you to think through how best to get input from your target audience, be a sounding board for your plans, and be a place to debrief so you can embed the learning you’ve had from the work.

We offer a range of training and workshops for health services staff to improve their understanding of consumer perspectives and effective consumer engagement, as well as workshops you can offer to your consumer representatives.

All of our training is available on a bespoke basis, nearly all can be delivered in-person or online. HCC can also develop training and education packages to support your organisations’ specific needs.

For healthcare staff and organisations

For more detail and to make an inquiry about our training, see Our Training.

Seeing Beyond your Cultural Lens: The first part of developing a Cultural competency is to understand our own culture and how that influences how we see and experience the world. An opportunity for self-reflection and learning in an environment that is safe and supportive and gives participants the chance to challenge themselves.

Supporting Cultural Diversity in Healthcare: supporting health workers to provide culturally inclusive services that support patient-centered care.

Acknowledging Country workshop: learn to deliver a personalised Acknowledgment of Country with confidence and respect.

Introduction to partnering and engaging with consumers: an introduction to some of the things to consider when thinking about working with consumers and carers in health.

For consumer advisory groups

Introduction to consumer representation: support the development of a new consumer group, or upskill and support an existing consumer group.

Making the step from theory to practice in consumer engagement can be difficult. We’re committed to supporting people working in health and social care to involve consumers, carers, community members, clients and service users meaningfully in planning, developing, implementing and reviewing policies and services.

Our team is available to talk to you about your current projects or concerns and provide advice and suggestions about how to best engage with consumers.

Consulting and advisory services: providing advice and support on a range of issues related to consumer engagement, health policy, and health system reform.

Consumer partnership mentoring/coaching: helping you develop skills, awareness and strategies for engaging with health consumers.

Consumer engagement project planning: helping you effectively and meaningfully involve consumers in planning, developing, implementing and reviewing policies and services.

Consumer engagement: expert advice, support, recruitment, and facilitation to ensure the consumer voice is heard.

Facilitation: online, in-person or hybrid facilitations of consumer, carer and community engagement activities.

Supporting communications projects: ensuring information is accessible, easy to understand, and delivered to those who are harder to reach.


If you are looking for consumers and community members to join your committee or advisory group, or to provide other input on your project, we can help.

Whether you’re looking for guidance on how to get started with consumer recruitment, or you’d prefer someone to manage the recruitment process for you, we are available to help.

We encourage you to have a chat with us about how we can connect you with a diverse audience of engaged consumers and lived experience experts from different demographics and backgrounds.

Make sure you have a read of these key considerations for involving and partnering with consumers.


“Thank you so much for your help in arranging today’s regional focus on [this topic]. The participants were well informed, adequately prepared and provided invaluable insights throughout the course of the session… This first focus group has set a strong foundation (and very high bar!) for subsequent sessions in this project. This is testament to HCC’s strengths and your hard work in making this happen in such a short period of time.” – Client


“The HCC demonstrated exceptional skills to connect and develop meaningful relationships with multicultural communities in this project. The HCC ensured all community members were empowered and had a voice to improve the cancer care journey and successfully recruited culturally and linguistically diverse men and culturally and linguistically diverse people living in regional WA to participate in the project. Their leadership and contribution have informed the Department of Health on ways to improve the cancer journey for culturally and linguistically diverse consumers and carers.” – Health Networks (Cancer Network)


“I think this has been a very positive process. The opportunities we’ve had to put forward perspectives, it’s not just giving feedback. I feel we’ve had a role in shaping this, as well as feedback to some communications. I feel we’ve had our voices heard; the engagement has been really respectful…” – Consumer


“Very well facilitated to allow for people to ask and share and learn in comfort.” – Consumer


“Content excellent, break out groups very useful. Ability to participate via Zoom much appreciated!” – Consumer

The Voice to Parliament – a health consumer lens

Australians are being asked to go to the polls on October 14th and vote on whether the Constitution should be amended to recognise a First Nations Voice to Parliament.

Health Consumers’ Council hosted a lunchtime discussion on 6 October for people in representative roles as health consumers, carers, people with lived experience or community members to meet and learn about The Voice, and discuss the implications for healthcare and health outcomes.

In this presentation, we review some factual information about The Voice developed by Reconciliation WA and look at some of the expected health impacts for Aboriginal people of The Voice.


Digital Health

Digital health is a HUGE topic. This page brings together some of the key information you need to know about digital health in WA and some opportunities to be involved in shaping this.

Electronic Medical Record Program

EMR and Consumer Involvement

In 2021, Health Consumers’ Council was commissioned by the WA Department of Health to co-design a Consumer Charter for an Electronic Medical Record. It was informed through Kitchen Table Discussions across our vast state, and created by a EMR Consumer Charter Reference Group.

Following the development of the Consumer Charter, there was a pause in work until 2023, when work on WA’s Electronic Medical Record ramped up. In collaboration with the Department of Health Electronic Medical Record program team, HCC established an EMR Consumer Reference Group. We were able to re-recruit many of the people who had worked on the Charter, and this EMR Reference Group has continued to meet in 2023-2024.

Since January 2024, Health Consumers’ Council representative (Pip Brennan) has been co-located with the EMR Program a day a week to embed the consumer voice. We’ve run several webinars on the EMR, and the replay links will appear below on this page. If you’d like you’d like to receive updates about this work, including opportunities for input, you can register to join our Electronic Medical Record Consumer Network or email

Summary of EMR Project and key consumer issues in relation to the EMR as at February 2024

There are key areas of interest for consumers and we have spent the past six months exploring. Click on the links below to watch video  replays of the webinars. Links will be added as they become available.

  • Consumer involvement – consumers are partners in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of an EMR.
  • Patient Portal -the part of an EMR that we will use – how can we help shape this to ensure it works well for consumers? This presentation gives an overview of what a patient portal is and how they work, and what we need to think about as consumers
  • Interoperability – Can an EMR Stitch Up our Health System? (Webinar 26th March 24)
    Harry Iles-Mann (Consumer Leader and Digital Health Expert) and Peter Sprivulis (Chief Clinical Information Officer, WA DoH) join a panel discussion to discuss how an EMR could ‘digitally stitch WA’s health system together’. The conversation includes what is happening at a national level regarding interoperability and connected care, and what role consumers can play through this period of change and implementation.
  • Patient Reported Outcome Measures (Webinar 17th May 24)
    Dr Aron Chakera (SCGH Physician, Renal Specialist, Fellow of the RACP) and Dr Christine Georges (Senior Research Fellow, Professor of Surgery at Cabrini Health) join a panel discussion to discuss how an EMR will change the way Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) could be used within WA, and what this could mean for WA health consumers.
  • Data Security and Trust with an EMR (5th June 24)
    Keith Donohoe (Consumer Advocate) and Robyn Gillies (Chief Medical Information Officer, EMR Royal Melbourne) join a panel discussion to discuss what data is captured in an EMR and why, how this information is managed and accessed, and what safeguards are often put in place to protect information from ‘bad agents’.
  • Data Use – who gets to use our data? How can we ensure our data is used appropriately and that it helps improve services?
  • Standardisation – the “guard rails” within an EMR help keep us safe – but how might we contribute to these?
  • Implementation of an EMR – what do consumers need to think about?

Do we have an Electronic Medical Record in WA?

WA does not yet have an Electronic Medical Record, but in May 2024 it was announced in the Budget that WA has received three years’ funding to develop a tender to procure one. Since 2021, WA has been in the process of getting a forerunner to an Electronic Medical Record, which is called a Digital Medical Record (see video below). This is being rolled out across the whole of WA.

The following video was produced in 2021 and explains the rollout plan for the staged rollout of WA’s Electronic Medical Record as it will be some hears before we actually have a fully realised EMR.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Digital Health?

Digital health can refer to:

  • health records being digital rather than paper-based
  • administrative interactions that occur online, such as booking, cancelling or re-scheduling appointments
  • health care delivered digitally rather than face to face (for example, via a video call)

What is the difference between My Health Record and an Electronic Medical Record?

While they might sound similar, your My Health Record is different to an Electronic Medical Record.

My Health Record was put in place Australia-wide in 2019, with a record created for every Australia unless they opted out. My Health Record encompasses all aspects of your health care, from the GP to hospital.

An Electronic Medical Record usually refers to your health information within the walls of a hospital, or group of hospitals. It contains information relevant to your hospital admission, but doesn’t necessarily encompass your whole health history.

Do I have a My Health Record?

A My Health Record was created for every Australian, unless you specifically opted-out of having one. If you don’t remember opting out, or you don’t know if you have a My Health Record, you probably do.

My Health Record holds all your key health information, such as immunisations, test results and imaging reports, medication information, and hospital summaries. It can be accessed by your healthcare providers at any time, including in an emergency.

You can find out more about My Health Record here.

If you don’t know if you have a My Health Record, or you’ve never looked at your My Health Record before, we recommend you take a look at what information is included. You can find out how to set up your My Health Record here.

Additional resources



[Last updated 01/24]

National Health Reform Agreement – how health is funded by the Federal and State governments

By Clare Mullen, Executive Director

The National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA) is an agreement between the Commonwealth government and the state government on a range of health issues.

The Federal Government has commissioned an independent review of this Agreement as it is the mid-way point of the Agreement’s term. The review team is due to report in August 2023.

I had the chance to speak with the Review team when they were in Perth this week.

Below are some of the points we plan to include in Health Consumers’ Council’s submission which we will submit by the end of June 2023. If you have further points you’d like to see included in that response, please email them to Jasmina Brankovich, HCC’s Systemic Advocacy and Policy Lead,

  • A key focus of the Agreement relates to how hospitals are funded – this is called Activity Based Funding (ABF) and it means that hospitals are funded based on the volume of services they provide (rather than receiving a block of funding as was the case previously). From our discussions with people across health, it seems this has led to some activities which would benefit consumers being understood by hospitals as not to be included – i.e. activities which might lead to services being provided in primary care/community care settings rather than in a hospital setting
  • Funding based on fee for service inevitably leads to health services need to drive activity – when less activity in the hospital, and more in primary care would be best for the consumer
    • We note that NSW Health opted to initiate collaborative commissioning, using state funds to commission primary care services so as to reduce demand on hospital services – we’re not aware that this has been replicated in other states yet, including WA
  • The role of “system manager” as it’s currently recognised – i.e. only of public hospitals – limits the value of a system manager role.
    • Given that managing hospitals relies heavily on the provision and functioning of primary/community care services – often commissioned and/or funded by the Commonwealth, there may be an advantage in exploring the role of “system manager” being expanded to all publicly funded health services in the state – including those in primary care.
    • Consumer input into commissioning and funding decisions should be mandated for all publicly funded health services – both at a hospital and primary care level. This may require investment in building the capacity and structures to support informed consumer input to these decisions.
  • In response to the goals of the NHRA:
    • deliver safe, high-quality care in the right place at the right time
      • there is significant opportunity to improve funding flows across hospital/primary and community services – all too often consumer reps hear, that’s a function of “the other part of the system”.
    • prioritise prevention, and help people manage their health across their lifetime
      • there is little evidence that this goal is being achieved through any of the activities in the current agreement
    • drive best-practice and performance using data and research
      • this is difficult for consumers to comment on given the limited transparency of data about best practice and performance that is in the public domain
    • improve efficiency and ensure financial sustainability
      • the geographic and demographic characteristics of WA mean that “efficiency” and “financial sustainability” comparisons with other states is unlikely to be an effective way of measuring success for the WA community
      • We advocate for a recognition of the inherent “inefficiencies” in a health system that is delivering care across a vast geographic area, with very limited Federally-funded primary care provision in the regions – a national efficient price is unlikely to be sufficient to deliver safe high quality care in many parts of WA

With regards to the 6 reforms outlined in Schedule C of the NHRA:

  • empowering people through health literacy – person-centred health information and support will empower people to manage their own health well and engage effectively with health services
    • from our position in the system, there is very limited evidence of any activity happening in this area
    • we would like to see a stronger role for community-led initiatives – including bi-cultural workers – to shift the dial on health literacy
  • prevention and wellbeing – to reduce the burden of long-term chronic conditions and improve people’s quality of life
    • we note the publication of both state and national strategies relating to preventive health and obesity prevention, but see limited evidence of any investment in the implementation of these strategies at any level
    • we believe grassroots investment in building and maintain social capital is critical to this priority
  • paying for value and outcomes – enabling new and flexible ways for governments to pay for health services
    • we believe there’s an opportunity for more consumer involvement in discussions to determine the framework for paying for value and outcomes
  • joint planning and funding at a local level – improving the way health services are planned and delivered at the local level
    • in WA, we have limited evidence of this happening in practice. We acknowledge the benefit of having the three WA Primary Health Networks (PHNs) managed by the same organisation – the WA Primary Health Alliance.
    • We note the fact that in WA, the geographical areas covered by our PHNs don’t match the geographical areas covered by WA’s Health Service Providers and the challenge this creates for joint funding and planning
      • (In the metro area we have Perth North PHN and Perth South PHN, but South Metro, North Metro and East Metro Health Services)
  • enhanced health data – integrating data to support better health outcomes and save lives
    • we would advocate for more local involvement and upskilling of WA consumers to inform the collection, publication and use of health data for the WA community
  • nationally cohesive health technology assessment – improving health technology decisions will deliver safe, effective and affordable care
    • we are looking into this to inform our response.

We will also be considering our position on how Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) and Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMS) could be used to inform how funding flows to different parts of the health system in future.

Overall, we will be calling for more local involvement and control of public funds that are allocated for the benefit of the WA community. For example, regional commissioning groups that agree funding priorities, planned outcomes, and performance measurement frameworks – to include multiple and diverse consumer and carer leaders working alongside local health system staff and policy makers who are well-placed to make decisions affecting the WA community.