This category is for demonstrating excellence in patient care. The Award recognises health professionals who demonstrate ongoing commitment to improving health outcomes and the patient experience.
Highly Commended – Sonya Schultz
Thanks to Sonya’s work, Breast Screen WA provides an interpreter onsite as well as utilise telephone interpreter services as and when necessary. She also attends community functions realising that the best way to engage and educate community members is by meeting with them and encouraging them to access the service. Sonya’s activities have vastly improved the level of service to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse women and provided them with information in ways they can understand. Her actions may well have saved the lives of women who otherwise would have remained ignorant of breast cancer and the need for screening as a preventative measure.
And the Winner is – Ted Dowling
Ted’s passion for Aboriginal health has led him to identify key areas of need in the WA Health hospital system and lead the implementation of two highly successful Aboriginal cardiac health programs: Kworpading Koort and Heart Health. As part of an effort to provide patient-centred care, Ted places great importance on improving engagement with rural and remote Aboriginal communities. With the Cardiology Team, Ted visits these communities to provide cardiac rehabilitation education sessions and clinical care to patients who would otherwise not receive it.
Also Nominated
Dr Tim Pavy
A consumer nominee wrote: “Dr. Pavy has shown great interest in an area of medicine which has been so neglected. Chronic Pelvic Pain/ Pudendal Neuralgia is very difficult to treat. Most doctors are unaware of this condition which leaves patients suffering endlessly and some have taken their own lives. Dr. Pavy established the first and only pelvic pain clinic in WA and had a waiting list of 2 years when first initiated. He has taken on a ‘sleeping giant’ and has helped me and other women to get pain to a tolerable level.”
Dr Glenn Lewis
A consumer nominated Dr Lewis who went above and beyond for her and her family after the birth of her child.