Individual Advocacy

What is individual advocacy at Health Consumers’ Council?

  • Our individual advocacy service is available to any person with an issue in the WA Health System.
  • We provide independent advocacy to support the healthcare rights of individuals by working alongside and/or speaking, acting or writing on behalf of the advocacy client.
  • You don’t have to be a member of our organisation to access advocacy.

What does an individual advocate do?

  • Supports you when you have a problem/issue in the health system by providing information, guidance and representation that aims to resolve the problem.
  • Works with you when believe you have been treated unfairly or are looking for a solution to a specific problem or issue.
  • Speaks, acts, and writes on your behalf to promote, protect and defend your rights, opinions and concerns.
  • Remains empathetic and accountable to you. The advocate is on your side.

The advocate will

  • Listen to you and get an understanding of the issue.
  • Talk to you about your options and help you to make your own choices.
  • Provide you with information about services, supports and resources.
  • Encourage and support you to speak up for your rights and opinions.

The advocate will not

  • Provide legal or financial advice or assessments.
  • Investigate complaints and require services or individuals take action.
  • Manage or coordinate services (such as finding you a house or applying for a service or benefit).
  • Provide you with personal care or support workers.
  • Provide mediation or counselling.
  • Make decisions for you.

To contact an advocate, call (08) 9221 3422 (extension 1) or email 
If we can’t help you, we will tell you why and refer you
to another service if possible.

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, issues may remain unresolved and we may stop providing our services. If this happens we will explain to you why.

HELPFUL NUMBERS for contact to support your mental health if you need to talk with someone today:

Involuntary mental health consumers

Mental Health Advocacy Service (MHAS) – 1800 999 057(Mon-Fri 8.30am-4.30pm)

Emergency relief services

WA Connect – find emergency relief services or call 1800 979 777 from 9am-5pm Mon-Fri

Crisis lines

• Crisis Care 1800 199 008 (24/7)

• Entrypoint  1800 124 684 (Mon-Fri 9am-7pm; Sat 9am-5pm)

• MHERL (Mental Health Emergency Response Line) 24/7

  • Metro 1300 555 788
  • Peel 1800 676 822
  • Regional 1800 552 002

• Lifeline 24/7

• 1800 Respect (24/7) – 1800 737 732

• Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline (24/7) – 1800 007 339

• Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline (WA) – 1800 000 599

• For translation and interpreting services, call TIS 13 14 50