In response to the level of interest shown by people wanting to become involved with HCC we would like to offer you the opportunity to join our Consumer Voices forums.
What is a Consumer Voices forum?
Consumer Voices is a newly created forum providing an avenue for you to comment from a consumer perspective on a particular healthcare topic. The forums are not meetings, no minutes or notes will be taken by HCC staff although they will record the recommendations. Those attending will receive a copy of the recommendations.
What is the purpose of Consumer Voices?
Consumer Voices will gain recommendations and constructive comments from those who attend. These will be fed on to various departments, health service providers and agencies they are relevant to. We will also post on our website and social media with the overall purpose of improving the patient experience.
Consumer Voices aims to provide consumer comment on the patient experience, both positive and negative which, if used constructively, has the potential to provide a useful education tool for health care staff and other consumers.