In the last 30 years, HCC has championed and supported thousands of people to assert their rights, have their say, and influence health service delivery. As we continue to celebrate our 30th anniversary this year, we’re reflecting on some of the key achievements in this space.
Here are some of the health consumer and health advocate highlights of the 2000s:
- HCC co-sponsors a Clinical Senate Debate on ‘WA Health Consumer and Community Engagement Framework: For Health Services, Hospitals and WA Health’. HCC has a permanent position on the Clinical Senate Executive Committee.
- HCC participates in the International Alliance of Patient Organizations Conference in Barcelona.
- HCC participated in the first Australasian Patients for Patient Safety Workshop. This resulted in the publication of the Perth Declaration for Patient Safety.
- The Patient First booklet and other resources are developed in consultation with consumers and distributed to hospitals across the state.
- HCC develops a lobbying kit to involve all our members in reforming the 1894 Medical Act, and later rallied at Parliament House for Medical Act Reform.
- HCC is funded to establish consumer based groups in rural WA. The Esperance Health Issues Group was formed, providing feedback on a range of health services in the Shire. The Quality Rural Project and establish a sustainable consumer aims to develop and establish a sustainable consumer participation plan in at least four rural and remote centres in WA. The initial target areas as Bunbury, Geraldton, Exmouth, Port Hedland and Albany.
- The Aboriginal Consumer Participation & Complaints Review Project began in 2007, then became the Aboriginal Advocacy Program. Funding for this program ended in 2016.