Strengthening Reconciliation Post-The Voice Referendum: RAP and Acknowledgment of Country

By Tania Harris, Engagement Manager, Aboriginal and Disability Engagement Lead

Reconciliation in the Wake of The Voice Referendum

In the historical context shaped by The Voice referendum – a pivotal event proposing constitutional recognition and a parliamentary voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples – an organisation’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) takes on an even greater significance.

  • The Voice referendum has brought the aspirations and needs of Indigenous Australians to the forefront of the national conversation.
  • As Australia reflects on the outcome of The Voice referendum, there’s an energised call for organisations to embed Indigenous perspectives into their core values.

The Role of a RAP Post-Referendum

Now, more than ever, a RAP must do justice to the momentum created by discussions around The Voice referendum. This involves not just planning but also taking action that symbolises respect, empowerment, and partnership.

  • An organisation’s RAP should go beyond ceremonial acknowledgment to lay down practical pathways for Indigenous inclusion and engagement.
  • Crafting a RAP in this climate should reflect a commitment to listening to Indigenous voices and upholding their rightful place in decision-making processes.

Crafting an Acknowledgment of Country That Resonates

An Acknowledgment of Country becomes particularly resonant in the post-referendum setting, where it’s expected to echo the progress and promises of national reconciliation efforts.

  • It is crucial to not only acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land but to connect this acknowledgment to contemporary initiatives like The Voice referendum.
  • Organisations can demonstrate their support for The Voice by referencing the initiative in their Acknowledgments of Country, reinforcing their commitment to actionable change.

Aligning Your RAP with The Voice Aspirations

Incorporating The Voice aspirations into your RAP not only strengthens your organisation’s dedication to reconciliation but also aligns with the broader objectives of national unity and respect.

  • Ensure that your RAP reflects an understanding of the historical and cultural significance of constitutional recognition and representation.
  • Utilise the RAP as a platform to advocate for and support the ongoing dialogue around Indigenous issues sparked by The Voice referendum.

A New Era of Commitment

The post-referendum era demands a renewed dedication to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights and recognition. This commitment is tangibly expressed through a RAP, Acknowledgment of Country, and the actions that flow from these intentions.

Advance Reconciliation: Acknowledging Country Workshops

In the spirit of The Voice referendum, aspiring to a future where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices are heard and respected, we invite you to attend Health Consumers’ Council’s  Acknowledging Country workshop. Your participation not only deepens your own understanding but also contributes to Indigenous health initiatives.

Join a workshop to ensure your organisation’s practices are attuned to the aspirations of The Voice and contribute to a reconciled, informed, and inclusive Australia.